Transit Rules for the  Turkish Straits




Sanitary Yellow Flag Rules

- Vessels have to raise the yellow flag before entering the Turkish Straits and can lower it after their transit Sanitary clearance.

- Transit vessels at the Turkish Straits must follow the yellow flag rules at each passages from the Turkish Straits Northbound and Southbound. High fines are applied for vessels failing to fully comply with this rule. Example: If Nrt is 51,254, the formula being NRT x $.0.60 x 4, the fine will be $.123,009.60. Further details can be found below under CC. Inspection.

**IMPORTANT Note about Water Pollution**

Please note that the Turkish authorities are very strict and aggressive on  issues concerning water pollution in the territorial waters. This is why we kindly ask you to refrain 100% from disposing any sort of water when in Turkish ports, at anchorage, transiting the Turkish Straits or when at a shipyard. Our agency strongly advises you not to dispose of any water no matter how clean you feel that water is.

This includes but is not limited to:

- Kitchen water

- Food stuff

- Bilge water

- Cargo cleaning water

- Toilet water

- Deck cleaning water

- Filtered and recycled water.

The fines for such disposals can reach amounts up to usd.300,000.- or more.

There are constantly undercover patrol boats, staff and informants who take any possible reason to fine vessels whether for justified or unjustifed reasons.

Environment protection agency authorities take samples and photos of the vessel disposing water. They later board the vessel and take sample water that is then compared with the water they took as evidence from the sea. The samples and the pictures and a possible film allow them to arrest the vessel until the fine is paid. Not paying the fine causes the vessel to remain arrested until the fines are paid. A Letter of guarantee or a promisory note are not accepted.


As you know, Vessel Traffic Service (VTS) is the Authority which

supervises all the passages.

Please pay attention to the 2 Sailing Plans (SP-1 and SP-2):

1- SP-1: Master has to send it to us 48 hours prior his arrival; we

          forward same to VTS,

2- SP-2: Master has to directly give by VHF to VTS 2-3 hrs or 20 miles

          prior arrival, which ever is before.



    Following information is to be given, by us the agent, to the

    Authorities prior all transit passages from the first strait (Canakkale/

    Dardanelles if going Northbound, or Istanbul/Bosphorus if Southbound).

    Master should provide us this information as early as possible (minimum 72

    hours prior his arrival) since we have to provide same to the authorities

    minimum 48 hours prior his arrival.

    Please make sure that same is followed thus avoid unnecessary delays on

    arrival at Canakkale/Dardanelles or Istanbul/Bosphorus.



A  Ship's name, call sign, flag, IMO Number, MMSI Number

B  Time (reporting date and time)

C  Position (reporting position)

F  Sea speed (max continuous maneuvering speed)

G  Port of departure

H  Date, time and point of entry into VTS Area/ Traffic Separation Scheme

I  Port of destination

J  Request pilot           YES/NO

       Strait of Istanbul  (     )

       Sea of Marmara      (     )

       Strait of Canakkale (     )

O  Forward and aft draught(meters)

     Max air draught (meters)

P  Cargo (type of cargo and quantity)

Q  Defect/damage/deficiencies/other limitations

R  Description of dangerous, nuclear and pollution goods

T  1- Ship's Agent/Representative

    2- Master's name and surname

U  Ship's type/size

        1.Length overall (LOA meters)

        2.Breadth (meters)

        3.GRT / GT / NRT

        4.Single/Double Hull

        5.Year of built

W  Number of crew

X  1- P & I Club name, policy number and expiry date

    2- Last Port State Control place and date

    3- ROB  Bunker             FO :        DO :           LO :           FW :

Z  Bunker Tanks capacity      FO :        DO :



    Following information is to be given by VHF 2-3 hrs or 20 miles

    prior arrival (which ever is before), directly to VTS.

    - If Arriving to Canakkale/Dardanelles:


        Contact: 'Dardanelles Vessel Traffic Service (VTS)'

        arriving from    Contact               VHF

      ----------------  ---------------  --------------

      - Aegean  Sea      Sector Kumkale    13-11-12-14

      - Marmara Sea      Sector Gelibolu   11-12-13-14

    - If arriving to Istanbul/Bosphorus:


         Contact: 'Bosphorus Vessel Traffic Control Service (VTS)'

        arriving from    Contact              VHF

      ----------------  ---------------  --------------

       - Marmara Sea     Sector Kadikoy    14-11-12-13

       - Black Sea       Sector Turkeli    11-12-13-14



A  Ship's name, call sign, flag, IMO Number, MMSI Number

D  Position and bearing distance (Please see the NOTE aa below)

H  Date, time and point of entry into Traffic Separation Scheme (UTC)

J  Request pilot         YES/NO

      Strait of Istanbul (     )

      Sea of Marmara      (     )

      Strait of Canakkale (     )

T  Ship's Agent/Representative

Q  Defect/damage/deficiencies/other limitating reasons

NOTE aa: Reference points for position D

          - If arriving to Canakkale/Dardanelles:

          Mehmetcik Lighthouse Position  40 02.70' N / 026 10.50' E

          Gelibolu  Lighthouse Position  40 24.60' N / 027 41.00' E

          - If arriving to Istanbul/Bosphorus:

          Turkeli  Lighthouse Position   41 14.10' N / 029 06.70' E

          Ahirkapi Lighthouse Position   41 00.40' N / 028 59.20' E



    Vessels entering the Straits when within 5 nautical miles from the entry

    to the Strait shall provide a Position Report containing information

    identifying themselves to the VTS sector at the entry.



Designator   Information Required

----------   ---------------------

     A        SHIP'S NAME

     D        POSITION



    Vessels passing through the straits of Canakkale and Istanbul should

    provide the Call Point Report via VHF/RT, to the concerned TSVTS Sector

    Turkish Straits Vessel Traffic Service) sector,

    at the positions designated. These positions are the entry and exit points

    of the TSVTS. Furthermore, vessels should provide this report via VHF/RT.

    channel to the new sector at each change of sector.


Designator   Information Required

----------   -----------

     A        SHIP'S NAME

     D        POSITION



During Canakkale/Dardanelles Passage:


-  Gelibolu Sector (Call sign: Sector Gelibolu) on VHF/RT Channel 11

        Northern end coordinates: 40 36.47'N / 027 06.8'E

                                  40 26.65'N / 027 06.8'E

        Southern end coordinates: 40 21.56'N / 026 37.65'E

                                  40 20.15'N / 026 39.75'E

-  Nara Sector (Call sign: Sector Nara) on VHF/RT Channel 12

        Northern end coordinates: 40 21.56'N / 026 37.65'E

                                  40 20.15'N / 026 39.75'E

        Southern end coordinates: 40 06.8'N / 026 20.2'E

                                  40 05.7'N / 026 21.75'E

-  Kumkale Sector (Call sign: Sector Kumkale) on VHF/RT Channel 13

        Northern end coordinates: 40 06.8'N / 026 20.2'E

                                  40 05.7'N / 026 21.75'E

The southern limit of the Canakkale VTS is the line connecting the

following positions and/or following the shoreline.

        Southern end coordinates: 39 44'N   / 026 09.2'E

                                  39 44'N   / 025 55'E

                                  39 52.6'N / 025 47'E

                                  40 06'N   / 025 47'E

                                  40 09'N   / 026 00.9'E

                                  40 09'N   / 026 14.2'E

During Istanbul/Bosphorus Passage:


-  Turkeli Sector (Call sign: Sector Turkeli) on VHF/RT Channel 11

        Northern end coordinates: 41 10.5' N / 029 35' E

                                  41 32.5' N / 029 35' E

                                  41 32.5' N / 028 45' E

                                  41 19.0' N / 028 45' E

        Southern end coordinates: 41 12.4' N / 029 07.13'E

                                  41 12.43'N / 029 06.37'E

-  Kavak Sector (Call sign: Sector Kavak) on VHF/RT Channel 12

        Northern end coordinates: 41 12.4' N / 029 07.13'E

                                  41 12.43'N / 029 06.37'E

        Southern end coordinates: Fatih Sultan Mehmet Bridge

-  Kandilli Sector (Call sign: Sector Kandilli) on VHF/RT Channel 13

        Northern end coordinates: Fatih Sultan Mehmet Bridge

        Southern end coordinates: 41 00.6'N / 029 00.1' E

                                  41 00.6'N / 028 59.23'E

-  Kadikoy Sector (Call sign: Sector Kadikoy) on VHF/RT Channel 14

        Northern end coordinates: 41 00.6'N / 029 00.1' E

                                  41 00.6'N / 028 59.23'E

        Southern end coordinates: 40 53.1'N / 029 10.8'E

                                  40 52.4'N / 029 08.2'E

                                  40 50.3'N / 029 07.5'E

                                  40 45.2'N / 029 07.4'E

                                  40 49.1'N / 028 42.6'E

                                  40 57.3'N / 028 37.5'E


AA. For vessels passing in Full Transit, all the pilotages

    are optional - even if Master would eventually intend to use

    Dardanelles and/or Bosphorus pilotages, the portion of

    Marmara sea being an 'open sea' it is not necessary to use

    pilot for this portion, however always at Master's discretion.

BB. As per rules, tankers over 200 m LOA can pass through the

    Straits of Istanbul and Canakkale during daylight.

    Depending on the weather and traffic conditions, the

    Vessel Traffic Service may give exceptional permission.


    The speed of vessels passing through the Straits of Istanbul

    and Canakkale is 10 knots over the ground however, when the

    steerage way speed can not be reached, this speed may be

    exceeded provided that the Vessel Traffic Service is notified

    to prevent any collision or crash and a wave is not created

    that could harm the environment (As per Straits Legislation/

    Clause: 2.5)

    Currents in the Straits:

    - When the surface current speed in the Strait of Istanbul

    and the Strait of Canakkale exceeds 4 Knots or when Northerly

    surface currents are caused by Southerly winds, then vessels

    carrying dangerous cargo, large vessels and deep draught

    vessels with a speed of 10 Knots or less will not enter the

    Straits and will wait until current speeds are 4 Knots or

    less, or the Northerly currents have stopped.

     - When the surface current speed in the Strait of Istanbul

    and in the Strait of Canakkale exceeds 6 Knots or when

    strong Northerly currents are caused by Southerly winds,

    then vessels carrying dangerous cargo, large vessels and

    deep draught vessels, regardless of their speed, will not

    enter the Strait and will wait until current speeds are

    less than 6 Knots or the strong Northerly currents have


    - The Administration shall notify the vessels and the

    relevant authorities of the conditions of the currents.

    - When the current speed or pattern revert to normal in

    the Straits, the Vessel Traffic Service shall inform the

    vessels and the relevant authorities about the passage order

    of the vessels through the Straits which is established

    according to the Turkish Straits Reporting System and

    according to the types of vessels, in order to speed up

    the traffic flow.(TUBRAP/ as per Straits Legislation/

    Clause: 6.1)


    Health Inspection

    - Please keep necessary Quarantine Flag flying (Yellow) during daytime

      and Quarantine Lights on (Red & White) during night time

      until Free Pratique is granted.

    - Health inspections in the Strait of Canakkale may be

    carried out at the entrance from the Aegean just before

    pilot embarking position or after the Strait's exit pilot

    disembarking positions, at locations which will not

    affect navigational safety.

    - Health inspections in the Strait of Istanbul may be

    carried out just before pilot embarking position and at

    locations that will not affect safety of navigation.


      at the entrance of Canakkale/Dardanelles Northbound 'MEHMETCIK POINT'

      at the entrance of Istanbul/Bosphorus Northbound    'AHIRKAPI POINT'

                             (South Serraglio Point)

      at the entrance of Istanbul/Bosphorus Southbound    'KAVAK PILOTS'

      at the entrance of Canakkale/Dardanelles Southbound 'GELIBOLU PILOTS'

    At all the above pilot boarding points, the pilots are

    listening on VHF channel 16

EE. At the passage of Canakkale/Dardanelles Northbound, our

    representative boards the vessel together with the

    Sanitary Officer for the relevant transit formalities,

    which are performed on vessel's slowdown speed - No

    anchorage during the whole transit.

FF. During the above checking, authorities require the following :

    - crew list

    - International tonnage certificate

    - medical certificate

    - stores / provisions list

    - deratting certificate

    - maritime healt declaration

    - last port clearence

    - cargo manifest

    - officer has to go to to the sanitary boat with ship's stamp

      to make the transit pratique.

GG. Change of crew / delivery of provisions, cash, mail

    and/or spares can be performed on vessel's transit

    through Istanbul/Bosphorus at slow down speed, weather


    Bunkering is possible only at Istanbul roads anchorage

    (Southern entrance of Istanbul/Bosphorus).

    Crew change and supplies are also possible only at

    Istanbul Roads anchorage (Southern entrance of


    All mails/samples to be delivered only to agent at

    Istanbul/Bosphorus or Canakkale/Dardanelles

    If vessel is to lift bunker/lub oil or take provisions,

    stores etc. please send us a copy of your instructions/

    orders which you send to the suppliers in order we can

    submit the necessary petition to the authorities for

    delivery and avoid problems / delays.

JJ.Please kindly revert with the following:

- Sailing Plan 1 (SP1)

- Crew list

- International Tonnage Certificate

- Certificate of Registery


SOLAS document, Chapter V

Quote -a-




Safety of navigation

Regulation 23

Pilot transfer arrangements

1 Application

1.1 Ships engaged on voyages in the course of which pilots are likely to be employed shall be provided with pilot transfer arrangements.

1.2 Equipment and arrangements for pilot transfer which are installed on or after 1 January 1994 shall comply with the requirements of this regulation, and due regard shall be paid to the standards adopted by the Organization.*

1.3 Equipment and arrangements for pilot transfer which are provided on ships before 1 January 1994 shall at least comply with the requirements of regulation 17 of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974 in force prior to that date, and due regard shall be paid to the standards adopted

by the Organization prior to that date.

1.4 Equipment and arrangements which are replaced after 1 January 1994 shall, in so far as is reasonable and practicable, comply with the requirements of this regulation.

2 General

2.1 All arrangements used for pilot transfer shall efficiently fulfil their purpose of enabling pilots to embark and disembark safely. The appliances shall be kept clean, properly maintained and stowed and shall be regularly inspected to ensure that they are safe to use. They shall be used solely for the embarkation and disembarkation of personnel.

2.2 The rigging of the pilot transfer arrangements and the embarkation of a pilot shall be

supervised by a responsible officer having means of communication with the navigation bridge who shall also arrange for the escort of the pilot by a safe route to and from the navigation bridge. Personnel engaged in rigging and operating any mechanical equipment shall be instructed in the safe procedures to be adopted

and the equipment shall be tested prior to use.

3 Transfer arrangements

3.1 Arrangements shall be provided to enable the pilot to embark and disembark safely on either side of the ship.

3.2 In all ships where the distance from sea level to the point of access to, or egress from, the ship exceeds 9 m, and when it is intended to embark and disembark pilots by means of the accommodation ladder, or by means of mechanical pilot hoists or other equally safe and convenient means in conjunction with a pilot ladder, the ship shall carry such equipment on each side, unless the equipment is capable of being transferred for use on either side.

3.3 Safe and convenient access to, and egress from, the ship shall be provided by either:

.1 a pilot ladder requiring a climb of not less than 1.5 m and not more than 9 m above thesurface of the water, so positioned and secured that:.1.1 it is clear of any possible discharges from the ship;

.1.2 it is within the parallel body length of the ship and, as far as is practicable, within the midship half length of the ship;

(*) Refer to the Recommendation on pilot transfer arrangements adopted by the Organization by resolution A.889(21) and to MSC/ Circ.

568/Rev.l. Required boarding arrangements for pilots.


.1.3 each step rests firmly against the ship's side; where constructional features, such as rubbingbands, would prevent the implementation of this provision, special arrangements shall, tothe satisfaction of the Administration, be made to ensure that persons are able to embark and disembark safely;


1.4 the single length of pilot ladder is capable of reaching the water from the point of access to,or egress from, the ship and due allowance is made for all conditions of loading and trim ofthe ship, and for an adverse list of 15°; the securing strong point, shackles and securingropes shall be at least as strong as the side ropes;

.2 an accommodation ladder in conjunction with the pilot ladder, or other equally safe and

convenient means, whenever the distance from the surface of the water to the point of

access to the ship is more than 9 m. The accommodation ladder shall be sited leading aft.When in use, the lower end of the accommodation ladder shall rest firmly against the ship'sside within the parallel body length of the ship and, as far as is practicable, within the midshiphalf length and clear of all discharges; or

.3 a mechanical pilot hoist so located that it is within the parallel body length of the ship and, as far as is practicable, within the mid-ship half length of the ship and clear of all


4 Access to the ship's deck

Means shall be provided to ensure safe, convenient and unobstructed passage for any person embarking on, or disembarking from, the ship between the head of the pilot ladder, or of any accommodation ladder or other appliance, and the ship's deck. Where such passage is by means of:

.1 a gateway in the rails or bulwark, adequate handholds shall be provided;

.2 a bulwark ladder, two handhold stanchions rigidly secured to the ship's structure at or near their bases and at higher points shall be fitted. The bulwark ladder shall be securely

attached to the ship to prevent overturning.

5 Shipside doors

Shipside doors used for pilot transfer shall not open outwards.

6 Mechanical pilot hoists

6.1 The mechanical pilot hoist and its ancillary equipment shall be of a type approved by theAdministration. The pilot hoist shall be designed to operate as a moving ladder to lift and lower one personon the side of the ship, or as platform to lift and lower one or more persons on the side of the ship. It shall beof such design and construction as to ensure that the pilot can be embarked-and disembarked in a safemanner, including a safe access from the hoist to the deck and vice versa. Such access shall be gained

directly by a platform securely guarded by handrails.

6.2 Efficient hand gear shall be provided to lower or recover the person or persons carried, and kept ready for in the event of power failure.

6.3 The hoist shall be securely attached to the structure of the ship. Attachment shall not be solely by means of the ship's side rails. Proper and strong attachment points shall be provided for hoists of the portable type on each side of the ship.


6.4 If belting is fitted in the way of the hoist position, such belting shall be cut back sufficiently to allow the hoist to operate against the ship's side.

6.5 A pilot ladder shall be rigged adjacent to the hoist and be available for immediate use so that access to it is available from the hoist at any point of its travel. The pilot ladder shall be capable of reaching the sea level from its own point of access to the ship.

6.6 The position on the ship's side where the hoist will be lowered shall be indicated.

6.7 An adequate protected stowage position shall be provided for the portable hoist. In very cold weather, to avoid the danger of ice formation, the portable hoist shall not be rigged until its use is imminent.

7 Associated equipment

7.1 The following associated equipment shall be kept at hand ready for immediate use when persons are being transferred:

.1 two man-ropes of not less than 28 mm in diameter, properly secured to the ship, if required by the pilot;

.2 a lifebuoy equipped with a self-igniting light;

.3 a heaving line.

7.2 When required by paragraph 4, stanchions and bulwark ladders shall be provided.

8 Lighting

Adequate lighting shall be provided to illuminate the transfer arrangements over side, the position ondeck where a person embarks or disembarks and the controls of the mechanical pilot hoist.

UnQuote -a-


Quote -b-



Law No: 1998

Date of Decision: 08/10/1998

Number of Decision: 98/11860

No and Date of Official Gazette: 06/11/1998- : 23515 Repeating



Purpose, Applicability and Definitions

Purpose and applicability

ARTICLE 1 - The purpose of Vessel Traffic Regulations is to ensure safety of navigation, safety of life, property and marine environment by improving the safety of vessel traffic in the Straits. These regulations shall apply to all vessels entering or navigating within the limits of Turkish Straits.

Definitions and Abbreviations

ARTICLE 2- For the purposes of these regulations the terms;

a) Administration means Republic of Turkey Prime Ministry Maritime Under Secretariat (T.C. BASBAKANLIK DENIZCILIK MUSTESARLIG I)

b) Turkish Straits means the navigable waters of Marmara Sea, Istanbul and Canakkale Straits, and the coastline surrounding these areas.

c) Rules mean Turkish Laws, regulations and all International Conventions which the Turkish Republic is a signatory.

d) Vessel Restricted In Her Ability To Manoeuvre In The Traffic Separation Scheme describes vessels with a length over all of 150 meters or upwards and deepest draught 10 meters or upwards and the vessels due to their technical condition which are restricted in their ability to proceed in the appropriate lane as required by these regulations.

e) Vessel means every description of water craft which is able to navigate at sea by means of any kind of propulsion except under oars.

f) Direct Passing Vessel  describes a vessel planned not to call any port, berth or place within Turkish Straits, and reported the same in her Sailing Plan to the Turkish authorities before entering to the Straits.

g) Indirect Passing Vessel  describes a vessel which planned to call a port, berth or place within Turkish Straits, or a vessel whose direct passing has been cancelled by her Master and/or has had her cancelled her direct passing interrupted.

h) Direct Passing Cancelled Vessel describes a vessel which her Master cancelled her direct passing.

i) Direct Passing Interrupted Vessel describes a vessel during direct passing, delayed for the purpose of investigations or legal proceedings by the Turkish administrative or legal authorities due to a marine casualty or accident includes but not limited to any occurrence involving a vessel which results in damage by or to the vessel such as collision or grounding.

j) Deep Draft Vessel means a vessel having a deepest draught of 15 meters or greater.

k) Large Vessel means a vessel having a length overall of 200 meters or more.

1) Total Towing Length means the distance between the fore end of the towing vessel and aft end of the tow and the distance between the aft end of the pushing vessel and the fore end of the vessel being pushed with full manoeuvring speed.

m) Northern Limit Of The Strait of Istanbul is the line drawn between Anadolu Light and Turkeli Light.

n) Southern Limit Of The Strait of Istanbul is the line drawn between Ahirkapi Light and Kadikoy, Inciburnu Breakwater Light.

o) Northern Limit Of The Canakkale Strait is the meridian passing through Zincirbozan Light.

p) Southern Limit Of The Canakkale Strait is the line drawn between Mehmetcik Light and Kumkale Light.

r) By day means between sunrise and sunset.

s) By night means between sunset and sunrise.

t) TUBRAB means position and information reporting system to manage vessel movements within Turkish straits which is accomplished by a vessel providing information which includes Sailing Plan 1 and 2, Position and Calling point reports.



Traffic Separation Schemes and boundary lines

ARTICLE 3- Turkish Straits and Approaches TSSs, as described in Annex 1 has been established in compliance with The International Convention For Preventing Collision At Sea ( COLREGS 72) Reg. (10) and adopted by IMO. The boundary lines of the traffic separation scheme are as follows;

On the North, the North border of the area connecting the following points:


41 16 N028 55 E

41 21 N028 55 E

41 21 N029 16 E

41 14 N029 16 E

On the South, the South border of the area connecting the following points:


40 05 N026 11 E

40 02 N025 55 E

39 50 N025 53 E

39 44 N025 55 E

39 44 N026 09 E


Traffic Control Center and Stations

ARTICLE 4- The Administration has established Traffic Control Center and Stations in order to implement the use of TSS' s, the control the vessel movements within and to keep TUBRAP system operational.

Technical condition and Reporting requirements for vessels arriving and intending to pass through the Turkish Straits

ARTICLE 5- All vessels before entering the Turkish Straits;

a) Should be seaworthy, meeting with the requirements of the International Conventions and their Flag Administration.

b) Prior to transmitting the Sailing Plan 2 (Reg. 6 para.2) the Master shall assure himself that the vessel is technically in compliance with the following conditions and the same to be logged in the vessel Log Book.

1) Main propulsion and Auxiliary machinery are in good working order and ready for immediate manoeuvring.

2) Emergency Generators are in good working order and maintained in the readiness.

3) Primary and Secondary steering gears, Radar/s and Compasses are in good working order.

4) Engine room telegraph, rudder angle, RPM and if fitted Pitch indicators are in good working order and illuminated as to be readily visible to the pilot.

5) Navigational lights, whistle and all other bridge equipment are in good working order and complete.

6) All internal vessel control communications and vessel control alarms are in good working order.

7) VHF transceivers are efficient.

8) An Aldis lamp and at least one good binocular are kept ready on the bridge at all times.

9) Windlass, capstans and mooring winches are in good working order and both anchors are ready for letting go at all times with standby crew.

10) Towing lines of adequate strength and condition and heaving lines are ready on forward and aft together with line throwing appliances. Vessels loaded with explosives, dangerous goods or hazardous materials additionally shall suspend "Towing Off" wires of adequate strength and condition on forward and aft with their eyes run out and maintained at 1or 2 meters above the waterline.

11) Vessel is not trimmed by the stem as to dangerously affect the manoeuvring and /or steering and never will be trimmed by the head while navigating within the Turkish Straits.

12) As much as possible the trim is arranged such that the propeller blades are under the water level and in any case the blades are not above the water level more than 5 % of the propeller diameter.

13) The cargo and trim of the vessel is arranged such that from the conning position the forecastle and the view of the sea surface is not obscured.

14) A copy of these regulations and related nautical publications are on board together with updated Turkish Straits and Marmara sea charts of a large enough scale.

15) Number and certification of the officers and crew of the vessel is in compliance with the requirements of the STCW/78-95 Convention.

16) Vessel has Shipboard Emergency Plans and fully trained Emergency Squads for responding to all possible casualties and all related emergency, safety and fire fighting equipment are in readiness for immediate use.

If any vessel can not comply with any requirements listed above, the nearest Traffic Control Center must be informed by the Master. Failure to notify will result the Administration to take necessary measures as prescribed in reg. 7 para 2.

Reporting system in Turkish Straits (TUBRAB) a) Sailing Plan 1 (SP 1)

ARTICLE 6- Owners, Masters or Agents of the vessels with dangerous cargo or the vessels of 500 GRT and upwards, shall submit "Sailing Plan 1" in writing to the nearest Traffic Control Center in IMO standard format as defined by the Administration at least 24 hours before the vessel's arrival at Istanbul or Canakkale Straits.

" Vessels navigate in traffic separation scheme in difficulty " shall submit advance " Sailing Plan 1 " in writing as required by Reg. 25.

Vessels at Marmara Sea ports with dangerous cargo on board and the vessels of 500 GRT and upwards shall submit "Sailing Plan 1" in writing at least 6 hours before their departure.

b) Sailing Plan 2 (SP 2)

After sending SP 1 and assuring himself that the vessel is in compliance with the requirements of Reg. 5, two hours or 20 miles ( whichever earlier) before the entrance of the Turkish Straits, the Master shall submit Sailing Plan 2 in IMO standard format as defined by the Administration.

The Master, shall take into consideration the information received from the Traffic Control Station and navigate with care and caution.

The transmission time of SP 2 and all information received must be recorded in the vessel Log Book.

c) Position Report (PR)

All vessels with a L.O.A of 20 meters and upwards, shall make a voice radio position report by VHF in IMO standard format to the nearest Traffic Control Station 5 miles before the entrance of the Straits.

d) Calling Point Report (CPR)

All vessels with a L.O.A. of 20 meters and upwards while proceeding within the Straits shall make a voice radio call point report by VHF in IMO standard format at the positions defined by Administration to the nearest Traffic Control Station.

Vessel which her navigational safety is impaired before entering the Straits

ARTICLE 7 - Vessel which her navigational safety is impaired due to any technical reason, including failures of any essential equipment / machinery shall notify the Traffic Control Center by telex, telephone, fax or VHF.

The Traffic Control Center will advise anchorage / waiting position to the said vessel for undergoing necessary repairs and surveys. After receiving the vessel's final condition upon completion of repairs and surveys, the Traffic Control Station will decide and inform the Master whether the vessel is permitted to proceed with or without any additional safety measures.


Pilot onboard flag

Vessels having a pilot onboard must hoist the International code flag 'H' by day.

Signals of " Direct Passing Vessels"

ARTICLE 9 - Within the limits of Turkish Straits all "direct passing vessels" while navigating or at anchor shall hoist the International code ' T ' flag by day and an all-round green light (where it can be best seen) by night. If the Master cancels her direct passing or her direct passing is interrupted these signals shall not be displayed.

Anchoring permission for the "Direct Passing Vessels"

ARTICLE 10 - Subject to the permission of the Traffic Control Center, in order to supply needs, the direct passing vessels through the Turkish Straits may wait at the anchorage areas referred in Reg. 23 for 48 hours without free pratique under the supervision of the related authorities.

During this 48 hour period the vessel can exchange crew, land patients or dead bodies, supply bunker or provisions, undergo minor repairs, make agent contacts or supply other similar articles.

If the direct passing vessel requires to stay at anchor more than 48 hour period, have to anchor at the recommended anchorage area and must undergo free pratique, customs, immigration and other necessary formalities.



Precautions for safe passage

ARTICLE 11- The Master of a vessel navigating within the Straits, shall ensure that there is no person other than authorised crew members on the bridge, in the chart room or at the bridge wings in order not to endanger the safe command of the vessel and as well as to maintain a proper look-out.

Also only authorised crew members shall stand by in the engine room whether the engines are controlled from the engine control room or not.

Steering shall always be by hand, while navigating in the Straits automatic steering devices shall never be used and the emergency steering gear must be in the readiness at all times with standby authorised crew.

Steering light

ARTICLE 12- All vessels having a distance from bridge to bow over 150 meters and vessels whose bridge is so located that observing the vessel's turning severely difficult, shall have installed at or near the stem, a steering range equipped with a fixed blue light which shall be clearly visible from the bridge along the centerline.


ARTICLE 13 -Within the Straits the vessels may not proceed at a speed more than 10 knots over the ground. However if more speed is needed to maintain a good steerage the nearest Traffic Control Station shall be notified and the Master shall proceed with care and caution at a speed which will not create any danger of collision or cause damages by wave making to the banks or properties and other vessels in motion or tied up.


ARTICLE 14- Within the Straits the vessels may not overtake vessels except in necessary cases.

a) Vessels proceeding within the Straits shall maintain at least 8 cables distance between each other. This distance may be increased by the Traffic Control Center regarding type of the vessels.

b) While proceeding within the Straits the Master of a vessel which is going to slacken speed for any reason must warn the vessels astern of his intention.

c) Vessels proceeding within the Straits under low speed shall keep as near as to outer limit of the traffic separation lane which lies on her starboard side as is safe and practicable and if necessary shall take action to permit safe passing for the faster vessels.

d) Any vessel which is intending to overtake a vessel that is proceeding under low speed within the Straits, shall inform the Traffic Control Station and obtain information regarding the density of traffic and shall indicate her intention to the vessel to be overtaken. If there is sufficient room in the fairway and there is no risk of collision with the oncoming traffic, the overtaking can take place and preferably on one course.

e) No overtaking may take place between the Vanikoy and Kanlica points in Istanbul and between Nara and Kilitbahir points in Canakkale Straits.

Accidents and equipment / machinery failures while navigating within Straits

ARTICLE 15- Vessels which involved in an accident, having equipment / machinery failures or dropped anchor in an emergency, shall immediately notify the Traffic Control Center and request instruction. After the safety measures for the vessel and the environment are taken by the relevant port authority such vessel may resume passage with a pilot on board and in compliance with other necessary requirements of the Administration for the safe passage.

Vessel not under command

ARTICLE 16- Any vessel which is a vessel not under command or any vessel restricted her ability to manoeuvre as prescribed in Colregs 72 shall be subject to special permission of the Administration for passing through the Straits.

If a vessel while navigating in the Straits becomes not under command for any reason the Master shall immediately notify the Traffic Control Station and comply with the instructions given.


ARTICLE 17- For the navigational safety in the Straits towing of a vessel or any other floating objects can only be made by a tug or tugs which have sufficient engine power and towage equipment for handling the tow through the Straits. Said tug or tugs must be classed for towing service and to be certified in compliance with the IMO rules.

a) Prior to entering the Straits, the towing hawser shall be shortened as much as necessary.

b) Whenever the total towing length is more than 150 meters the Administration may require additional measures to improve the ability of manoeuvring and to keep both vessels on safe course.

c) Vessel or floating object are being towed shall keep a spare towing lines of adequate strength in readiness with sufficient number of standby crew for use in accidental breaking of the towing lines.

d) If possible, the tow shall keep her engines and steering gears in readiness.

Vessels leaving a port / berth / anchorage within the Straits

ARTICLE 18- Before getting underway from a port, berth or anchorage area within the Straits, Master of this vessel shall notify his intention to the Traffic Control Station and obtain necessary information regarding the traffic density. Such vessels shall wait until the navigation is safe for joining to the appropriate lane.

Leaving the traffic separation scheme

ARTICLE 19- Vessels which shall leave the traffic separation scheme for berthing, mooring to buoys, for dropping anchor, turning back due to any reason or in emergency cases, shall notify the Traffic Control Station and warn the vessels in sight.

Suspending the traffic temporally for Turkish Straits

ARTICLE 20- Traffic in the Straits may temporally be suspended by the Administration in the following cases;

a) In force majeure situations,

b) Collision, grounding, fire, public security, pollution and similar occasions.

c) Surface or underwater construction works such as building bridges - tunnels or drilling works etc. for the common wealth of the public.

d) The existence of navigational dangers within the Straits.

The Administration shall take necessary measures to keep suspending time as short as possible.

The suspending and resuming of the traffic shall be announced to the vessels and concerned parties by the Port Authority and the Traffic Control Stations.

Before the traffic resumes the vessel entrance turn shall be announced in accordance with the vessels' TUBRAP reports evaluation and their types.

Using the traffic separation schemes

ARTICLE 21- Vessels passing through the Turkish Straits,

a) When is a direct passing, or a vessel joining or leaving the traffic separation scheme shall proceed in the appropriate traffic lane in the general direction of traffic flow.

b) The Administration shall take necessary measures for the maintenance of safety of navigation for a vessel which is restricted in her ability to manoeuvre in the separation scheme.

c) Vessels which do not proceed in the appropriate traffic lane (except para. b) shall be reported to IMO and their Flag Administration.

Deep Draft vessels

ARTICLE 22- In addition to Rule 23 of Colregs 72, Deep Draft vessels shall exhibit three all-round red lights in a vertical line, or a cylinder.

Other vessels while navigating in the Straits;

Shall avoid impeding the passage and take early action to allow sufficient sea-room for the safe passage of a Deep Draft Vessel,

When nearing a bend, or a crossing point shall keep out of the way of a Deep Draft Vessel,

Anchorage areas

ARTICLE 23- The following areas are designated as authorised anchorage for managing the traffic flow and for the vessels intending to wait at the anchor.

a) Istanbul Straits northern entrance anchorage areas see Annex 2.

b) Istanbul Straits southern entrance anchorage areas see Annex 3.

c) Canakkale Straits northern entrance anchorage areas see Annex 4.

d) Canakkale Straits Karanlik Liman anchorage area see Annex 5.

e) Canakkale Straits southern entrance anchorage areas see Annex 6

Pilotage is compulsory for areas a,b,c and d.

Anchor of all vessels must be placed well within the anchorage areas, so that no portion of the hull or rigging shall any time extend outside the boundaries of the anchorage area. No vessel shall anchor within a distance less than 2,5 cables from the shore line.

Reserved Rules and Regulations

ARTICLE 24- The Regulations described in this section shall apply both Straits, reserving the jurisdiction of the "Rules and Regulations for the Istanbul and Canakkale Ports" in force.



Vessels restricted ability to manoeuvre in the traffic separation scheme

ARTICLE 25- a) Vessels with a length over all in between 150-200 meters and/or having a draught in between 10-15 meters shall submit SP 1 report in writing 24 hours before entering the Straits,

Vessels with a length over all in between 200-300 meters and/or having a draught more than 15 meters will submit SP 1 report in writing at least 48 hours before entering to the Straits, to the Traffic Control Center.

b) The owner or the operator of a large vessel with a length over all of 300 meters and upwards, before fixing a voyage through the Straits must contact with the Administration and advise all necessary particulars, characteristics and the type of cargo planned to carry.

The Traffic Control Center and the Administration will make a study for the safe passage of the vessel with the information received by taking into consideration the safety of life, property and the environment, the physical, morphological and seasonal condition of the Straits and will inform the owner, operator or the Master about the requirements and safety measures to be taken during this passage. Such vessels in compliance with the requirements and necessary safety measures of the Administration, shall submit SP 1 report in writing at least 72 hours before their arrival to the entrance of the Straits.

c) Traffic Control Center shall take necessary measures for the maintenance of safe passage for the vessels with dangerous cargo as prescribed in this Regulation and may exempt these vessels from complying Reg.21. a.

d) When a southbound vessel with dangerous cargo as prescribed in this Regulation enters from the north of Istanbul Strait, no northbound vessel is permitted with the same particulars until the southbound reaches to Istanbul Bogazi Bridge,

When a northbound vessel with dangerous cargo as prescribed in this Regulation enters from the south of Istanbul Strait no southbound vessel is permitted with the same particulars, until the southbound reaches to the line joining Hamsi Burnu and Fil Burnu points.

In Canakkale Strait; no vessel is permitted in the same direction with the same particulars until the vessel ahead with dangerous cargo as prescribed in this Regulation, clears the Nara Burnu area.

Nuclear Powered vessels or vessels carrying nuclear cargo or nuclear wastes, dangerous and/or hazardous cargo or wastes.

ARTICLE 26- The owner or the operator of the;

a.Nuclear - powered vessels,

b.Vessels carrying nuclear cargo or nuclear wastes, and

c.Vessels carrying dangerous and/or hazardous cargo or wastes,

at least 72 hours before fixing a voyage through the Straits, must contact with the Administration and inform the type of cargo planned to carry with all necessary certificates which confirms the vessel is in compliance with IMO and related International Conventions together with the certificates confirms that the said cargo is carried in compliance with her Flag State Administration Regulations.

For the safety of the passage within the Straits, Nuclear powered vessels shall take all measures informed by the Administration.

All vessels mentioned in this regulation shall load and distribute their cargoes in compliance with the related International Conventions and Codes. While navigating within the Straits, such vessels shall hoist the International Code B flag by day and an all-round red light by night.

Taking Pilot

ARTICLE 27- Traffic Control Center strongly recommends to all "Direct Passing Vessels" to take pilot for the maintenance of safety of life, property, environment and navigation within the Straits.

Unauthorised berthing - anchoring

ARTICLE 28- No vessel shall be moored, anchored, or tied up to any pier, wharf or buoys without permission within the Straits. Such vessels will be moved by tugs and with a pilot provided by the Harbour Master at the vessel's expense, which will be billed to her owner, operator or agent.

Except in cases of emergency to avoid an immediate danger, no vessel shall drop anchor within the Straits. In such cases the Master shall immediately notify the anchorage position to the Traffic Control Station.

For the maintenance of the navigational safety with in the Straits, such vessels will be moved to a safe anchorage area by tugs and with a pilot provided by the Administration at the vessel's expense, which will be billed to her owner, operator or agent.

Pollution Prevention

ARTICLE 29- Vessels navigating within the Straits shall be in compliance with the Annexes in force of Marpol 73/78 Convention, and the Masters shall ensure that all necessary measures are taken to prevent any incidental pollution.

Navigating under sails or oars is prohibited

ARTICLE 30- Navigating under sail or oars and swimming or fishing within the traffic separation schemes is prohibited. Any sports competition, such as sailing, rowing or swimming etc. is subject to permission of the Administration.

Notification and reporting obligation


a.The Master of the vessel navigating within the Straits, must notify the Traffic Control Station of any infectious and epidemic diseases, injuries, or death occurrence on board.

b.The Masters, Pilots or other Officials, are required to notify any vessel in apparent violation of any Regulation, to the Traffic Control Station immediately and to submit a detailed report in writing about the case within 24 hours.

c.The Pilots are required to notify the Traffic Control Station immediately of any accidents involved or, any navigational dangers noticed en route and to submit a detailed report in writing about the case within 24 hours.



Boundary lines

ARTICLE 32- Istanbul Strait Traffic Separation Scheme is bounded by the lines connecting the following points. The waters, in between a line drawn from the position 2 miles south of Baba Burnu to Yelkenkaya Light.

Air Draft

ARTICLE 33- Vessels, while navigating within Istanbul Strait, shall pay due attention to the height warning lights exhibited on the bridges. No vessel with an air draft of more than 58 meters may pass through the Istanbul Strait. Vessels with air drafts between 54 and 58 meters shall be escorted by tugs. The number and engine power of the tugs will be determined by the Administration to keep such vessels on the safe course,

Local vessel traffic in Istanbul Strait

ARTICLE 34- Within the waters, between the line drawn from Turkeli Light to Anadolu Light on the North and the line drawn from Kadikoy, Inciburnu Breakwater Light on the South, all local vessels and passenger / ferry boats shall cross the traffic lanes on a heading as nearly as practicable at right angles to the general direction of the traffic flow and not impede the safe passage of the southbound and northbound vessels. However, if risk of collision exists, when taking action to avoid collision, both vessels shall regard to the related rules of Colregs 72.


ARTICLE 35- a) When the main surface current exceeds 4 knots or when southern winds reverses the main current in Istanbul Straits, all vessels with dangerous cargo, large vessels and deep draught vessels with a speed of 10 knots or less shall not enter the Straits.

Such vessels shall wait, until speed of the current drops to 4 knots or less or the reverse currents disappear.

However, vessels other than above may pass through the Straits by taking tugs as advised by the Traffic Control Center.

b) When the main surface current exceeds 6 knots or strong northerly currents and eddies are caused by southerly winds, all vessels with dangerous cargo, large and deep draught regardless of their speed shall I not enter the Istanbul Strait and wait until the current speed is less than 6 knots or strong reverse currents disappear.

c) The Administration reports the condition of the currents to the vessels and concerned parties.

d) When current speed and direction becomes normal, the entrance turn of the waiting vessels will be announced by the Traffic Control Center, in accordance with the vessels' TUBRAP reports evaluation and their types.

Restricted visibility

ARTICLE 36- The Administration reports the visibility changes within the Istanbul Strait to all vessels and concerned parties.

a) When visibility in an area within the Istanbul Strait drops to 2 miles or less, all vessels shall keep their radar continuously running with a clear picture. Vessels equipped with two radar shall leave one radar for the pilot's use.

b) When visibility in an area within the Istanbul Strait drops to 1 mile or less, vessel traffic shall be permitted in one direction only. During this time, vessels with dangerous / hazardous cargo, large vessels and deep draft vessels shall not enter to the Istanbul Strait,

c) When visibility in an area within the Istanbul Strait drops to less then 0.5 mile, the vessel traffic shall be suspended for both directions.

d) When the visibility improves, to ensure smooth resumption of traffic, the Traffic Control Center will determine the order with which waiting vessels enter the Straits on basis of vessels' TUBRAP reports and vessel types, and inform all vessels and concerned parties accordingly.

Pilotage services

ARTICLE 37- Pilotage services for Istanbul Strait shall be given as follows:

a) Vessels passing through Istanbul Strait;

1) Black Sea side :

The pilot boarding area is in position at Lat. 41 15 15 N., Long. 029 07, 94 E. Due to weather conditions, pilot boarding may take place in between this position and the line connecting Hamsi Limani Light to Fil Burnu Light, as near to the outer limit of the Southbound traffic lane which lies on starboard side of the vessel as is safe and practicable.

The pilot disembarking area is in position Lat. 41 14 48 N., Long. 029 09, 52 E. Due to weather conditions, pilot disembarking may take place in between this position and the line connecting Hamsi Limani Light to Fil Burnu Light, as near to the outer limit of the Northbound traffic lane which lies on starboard side of the vessel as is safe and practicable.

2) Marmara Sea side:

The pilot boarding area is in position Lat. 40 55 28N., Long. 028 58, 75 E. Due to the weather conditions, pilot boarding may take place in between this position and the latitude passing through the Fenerbahce Light, as near to the outer limit of the Precautionary Area and Northbound traffic lane which lies on starboard of the vessel as is safe and practicable.

The pilot disembarking area is in position Lat. 40 56 52 N., Long. 028 54, 70 E. Due to the weather conditions, pilot disembarkation may take place in between this position and the latitude passing through the Fenerbahce Light, as near to the outer limit of the Precautionary Area and Southbound traffic lane which lies on starboard of the vessel as is safe and practicable.

b) Vessels arriving to a berth and unberthing

1) Vessels arriving to a berth from Black Sea, shall drop the Strait pilots and take Port pilots at a distance allowing necessary time for docking manoeuvres.

2) Vessels arriving to a berth from Marmara Sea shall take port pilots at the same area as set out above in Para. a) 2).

3) Vessels arriving to a berth in outside limits of Istanbul Strait shall take the port pilots at a distance allowing necessary time for docking manoeuvres.

4) When the above mentioned vessels are at anchor, the port pilots shall board at the anchorage area.

c) For the navigational safety or due to the traffic density, the Administration may temporally change the pilot boarding / disembarking areas. New positions shall be reported to the vessels and the concerned parties.

Police and Customs control of vessels arriving to or has called at a Turkish port

ARTICLE 38- Police and Customs controls may not take place within the limits of Istanbul Strait TSSs. If deemed so necessary, such controls shall be made at pilot boarding areas, during underway to the next port, at berth or at an anchorage area which will be designated for this purpose.

Quarantine Controls

ARTICLE 39- Quarantine controls shall be affected before the pilot boarding area or in areas which will not endanger the navigational safety within the Istanbul Strait. These areas shall be determined by the Traffic Control center and reported to the vessels.

Agent contact areas

ARTICLE 40- Vessels navigating within the Istanbul Straits may not make agent contacts except in anchorage areas. In cases of necessity, after obtaining permission from the Traffic Control Stations, agent contacts can be made while proceeding, as near to the outer limit of the traffic lane which is on the starboard of the vessel and without endangering the navigational safety;

a) In the South, at the west of the longitude passing through the Kumkapi Bannak Light, not exceeding 1 hour.

b) In the North, on the north of the line connecting Hamsi Limani and Fil Burnu, not exceeding 15 minutes.



Boundary lines

ARTICLE 41- The Canakkale Strait Traffic Separation Schemes is bounded by the lines connecting the following points

In the North,

Lat. Long.

(1) 4037N 027 11 E

(2) 40 27 N 027 09 E

In the South,

(1)4005N 02611 E

(2) 40 02 N 02555 E

(3) 39 50 N 02553 E

(4) 39 44 N 02555 E

(5) 39 44 N 02609 E

Local vessel traffic in the Canakkale Straits

ARTICLE 42- Within the Canakkale Strait, all local vessels and passenger / ferry boats shall cross the traffic lanes on a heading as nearly a practicable at right angles to the general direction of the flow and shall not impede the safe passage of southbound and northbound vessels. However, if risk of collision exists, when taking action to avoid collision, both vessels shall act in accordingly to the related rules of Colreg 72.


ARTICLE 43- a) When the main surface current exceeds 4 knots within the Canakkale Strait, all vessels carrying hazardous cargo with a manoeuvring speed of less then 10 knots, large vessels and deep draft vessels shall not enter to the Strait. Such vessels shall wait until the speed of the current drops to 4 knots or less.

All other vessels may pass through the Strait if they use the tug/s recommended for their vessel type by the Traffic Control Center.

b) When the main current exceeds 6 knots, all vessels which are carrying hazardous cargo, large and deep draft, regardless of their speed, shall wait until the current speed drops less then 6 knots.

c) The Administration will report the condition of currents to the vessels and concerned parties.

d) When the current speed or direction return to normal, to ensure the smooth resumption of traffic, the Traffic Control Center will determine the order with which waiting vessels enter the Straits on the basis of vessels' TUBRAB reports and vessel type, and will inform all vessels accordingly.

Restricted visibility

ARTICLE 44 The Administration reports the visibility changes within the Istanbul Strait to all vessels and concerned parties.

a) When visibility in an area within the Canakkale Strait drops to 2 miles or less, all vessels shall keep their radar continuously running with a clear picture. Vessels equipped with two radar shall leave one radar for the pilot's use.

b) When visibility in an area within the Canakkale Strait drops to 1 mile or less, vessel traffic shall be permitted in one direction only. During this time, vessels with dangerous / hazardous cargo, large vessels and deep draft vessels shall not enter to the Istanbul Strait.

c) When visibility in an area within the Canakkale Strait drops to less then 0.5 mile, the vessel traffic shall be suspended for both directions.

d) When the visibility improves, to ensure smooth resumption of traffic, the Traffic Control Center will determine the order with which waiting vessels enter the Straits on basis of vessels' TUBRAP reports and vessel types, and inform all vessels and concerned parties accordingly.

Pilotage services

ARTICLE 45- Pilotage services for Canakkale Strait shall be given as follows:

a) Vessels passing through Canakkale Strait;

1) Aegean Sea side :

The pilot boarding area is in position at Lat. 40 00, 45 N., Long. 026 08, 154 E. Due to weather conditions, pilot boarding may take place in between this position and the latitude passing through Kumkale light, as near to the outer limit of the Northbound traffic lane which lies on starboard side of the vessel as is safe and practicable.

The pilot disembarking area is in position Lat. 40 01, 55 N., Long. 026 08, 20 E. Due to weather conditions, pilot disembarking may take place in between this position and the latitude passing through Kumkale Light, as near to the outer limit of the Southbound traffic lane which lies on starboard side of the vessel as is safe and practicable.

2) Marmara Sea side:

The pilot boarding area is in position Lat. 40 25, 70 N., Long. 026 44, 15 E. Due to the weather conditions, pilot boarding may take place in between this position and the latitude passing through the Gelibolu Light, as near to the outer limit of the Precautionary Area and Southbound traffic lane which lies on starboard of the vessel as is safe and practicable.

The pilot disembarking area is in position Lat. 40 25, 05 N., Long. 026 44, 10 E. Due to the weather conditions, pilot disembarkation may take place in between this position and the latitude passing through the Gelibolu Light, as near to the outer limit of the Precautionary Area and Northbound traffic lane which lies on starboard of the vessel as is safe and practicable.

b) Vessels proceeding to a berth or unberthing within the Strait

1) Vessels proceeding from sea, to a berth within the Strait, shall take the Strait pilots at the same areas as set out above in Para. a) 1 and 2) and shall drop the Strait pilots and take Port pilots at a distance allowing necessary time for docking manoeuvres.

2) Vessels proceeding to a berth in outside limits of the Straits Sea shall take port pilots at a distance allowing necessary time for docking manoeuvres.

3) When the above mentioned vessels are at anchor, the port pilots shall board at the anchorage area.

c) For the navigational safety or due to the traffic density, the Administration may temporally change the pilot boarding / disembarking areas. New positions shall be reported to the vessels and the concerned parties.

Police and Customs control of vessels arriving to or has called at a Turkish port

ARTICLE 46- Police and Customs controls may not take place within the limits of Canakkale Strait TSSs. If deemed so necessary, such controls shall be made at pilot boarding areas, during underway to the next port, at berth or at an anchorage area which will be determined for this purpose.

Quarantine Controls

ARTICLE 47- Quarantine controls for the vessels approaching from Aegean Sea, shall be affected before the pilot boarding area or in areas which will not endanger the navigational safety within the Canakkale Strait. These areas shall be determined by the Traffic Control center and reported to the vessels.

Agent contact areas

ARTICLE 48- Vessels navigating within the Canakkale Straits may not make agent contacts except in anchorage areas. In the cases of necessity, subject to permission of the Traffic Control Stations agent contacts can be made during proceeding in the Strait as near to the outer limit of the traffic lane which is on the starboard of the vessel without endangering the navigational safety, in the south of the line connecting Kanlidere Light to Karanfil Light not exceeding 1 hour.



Vessels exempted from certain Regulations

ARTICLE 49- Articles  5, 9, 10, 11, 12, 15, 21, 25, 26, 27, 31, 38, 39, 46, 47, 51 and Para. a) of Reg. 6 shall not apply to the vessels of war, auxiliary vessels and state owned vessels which are not in use for trading.



ARTICLE 51- If any Master or any member of the crew of any such vessels fails to comply with any requirements of these regulations, shall be subject to the related provisions of the Turkish Law.


ARTICLE 52- The "Maritime Traffic Regulations For The Turkish Straits and The Marmara Region" which put into force by the decision of the Council of Ministers, dated 23.11.1993 with number 1993 / 5061 is not in force any longer.

Entry into force

ARTICLE 53- The provisions of these Regulations are drafted in accordance; with the Law number 115 of the Constitution of the Republic of Turkey, with the Article 37 of the Establishment and Duties of Ministries Law number 3406 and with the Article 2 of Ports Law number 618 and reviewed by the Council of State, shall enter into force on the publication date in the Official Gazette.


ARTICLE 54- The Council of Ministers executes the provisions of these Regulations.



Northern Approach of Istanbul Straits

Istanbul Straits

Southern Approach of Istanbul Straits and Marmara Sea

Canakkale Straits

South-West Approach of Çanakkale Straits



Relevant Map: Map of Turkish Seas 1811 (INT3758), printed in 1993

Note: European datum constitutes the base for the map.

Definition of Traffic Distribution System

(a) A traffic distribution region is set in North-South direction surrounded with the lines merging following areas.

(1) 410 20'.50N, 290 09'.90E

(2) 410 20'.00N, 290 12'.50E

(3) 410 13'.60N, 290 07'.98E

(b) A traffic line is set on Northeast direction between the distribution area given in paragraph (a) and following regions.

(4) 410 15'.80N, 290 16'.90E

(5) 410 14'.10N, 290 10'.00E

(6) 410 13'.36N, 290 08'.55E

(c) A traffic line is set on South, Southeast directions between the distribution area given in paragraph (a) and the line merging following regions.

(7) 410 19'.40N, 290 02'.00E

(8) 410 14'.70N, 290 07'.20E

(9) 410 13'.80N, 290 07'.50E

APPENDIX- 1.1 (Map)

See Official Gazette for the Map.



Relevant Maps: Maps of Turkish Seas 2921 (INT3756), printed in 1993; 2921A, printed in 1992; 2921 B, printed in1992

Note:  European datum constitutes base for the map.

1. The traffic lines are set on Istanbul Straits to separate reserve vessel traffic from the regular traffic flow.

2. Definition of traffic lines of Istanbul Straits:

The traffic lines comprises the area locating between the line merging Anadolu Lighthouse and Rumeli Lighthouse on the North, the line merging Ahirkapi Lighthouse- Kadikoy Inciburnu lighthouse on the South and the external boundaries of traffic lanes whose coordinates are given below.

3. Traffic lines of Istanbul Straits:

(a) The line whose coordinates given below is the middle line of the traffic lines.

  3. 410 13'.60N, 290 07'.98E 10. 410 12'.18N, 290 06'.83E

11. 410 10'.88N, 290 05'.08E 12. 410 09'.38N, 290 03'.53E

13. 410 08'.92N, 290 03'.53E 14. 410 07'.38N, 290 05'.00E

15. 410 07'.21N, 290 05'.00E 16. 410 06'.38N, 290 03'.81E

17. 410 06'.00N, 290 03'.67E 18. 410 04'.98N, 290 03'.65E

19. 410 04'.53N, 290 03'.17E 20. 410 03'.10N, 290 02'.60E

21. 410 01'.55N, 280 59'.91E 22. 410 01'.40N, 280 59'.80E

23. 410 00'.15N, 280 59'.75E

(b) East Boundary of Istanbul Straits traffic line

24. 410 00'.00N, 290 00'.06E 25. 410 01'.10N, 290 00'.07E

26. 410 01'.50N, 290 00'.20E 27. 410 03'.10N, 290 02'.96E

28. 410 04'.50N, 290 03'.33E 29. 410 04'.97N, 290 03'.92E

30. 410 06'.05N, 290 03'.85E 31. 410 06'.35N, 290 04'.00E

32. 410 07'.20N, 290 05'.40E 33. 410 07'.40N, 290 05'.35E

34. 410 08'.85N, 290 03'.89E 35. 410 09'.48N, 290 03'.84E

36. 410 10'.80N, 290 05'.20E 37. 410 11'.67N, 290 06'.78E

38. 410 12'.30N, 290 07'.20E   6. 410 13'.36N, 290 08'.55E

(c) West boundary of Istanbul Straits traffic line

  9. 410 13'.80N, 290 07'.50E 39. 410 12'.30N, 290 06'.63E

40. 410 12'.00N, 290 06'.00E 41. 410 10'.51N, 290 04'.50E

42. 410 09'.52N, 290 03'.29E 43. 410 09'.03N, 290 03'.27E

44. 410 07'.48N, 290 04'.62E 45. 410 06'.25N, 290 03'.50E

46. 410 05'.13N, 290 03'.53E 47. 410 04'.92N, 290 03'.40E

48. 410 04'.57N, 290 02'.94E 49. 410 04'.13N, 290 02'.85E

50. 410 02'.97N, 290 02'.07E 51. 410 01'.73N, 280 59'.73E

52. 410 01'.29N, 280 59'.45E 53. 410 00'.30N, 280 59'.42E

APPENDIX- 1.2 (Map)

Please see Official Gazette for the map.


South Approach of Istanbul Straits and Marmara Sea

Relevant Maps: Map of Turkish Seas 2923 (INT3754), printed in 1991; 293, printed in 1990; 295 (INT3752), printed in 1988

Note: European datum constitutes base for these maps.

Definition of traffic distribution system

(a) A new line is set as a continuum of middle line of Istanbul Strait traffic line.

(23) 410 00'.15N, 280 59'.75E

(54) 400 59'.53N, 280 59'.73E

(55) 400 58'.80N, 280 59'.44E

(b) A traffic distribution region is set and it is surrounded with the lines merging following areas.

(55) 400 58'.80N, 280 59'.44E

(56) 400 57'.53N, 280 58'.63E

(57) 400 57'.78N, 280 58'.11E

(c) Considering (58) 400 56'.10N, 280 57'.00E in the centre, a risky area shall be established as a circle in radius of 1.5 gomina and a warning aria shall be established on the area surrounded with the line merging following coordination.

(71) 400 58'.21N, 280 57'.22E

(57) 400 57'.78N, 280 58'.11E

(56) 400 57'.53N, 280 58'.63E

(81A) 400 56'.83N, 290 00'.06E

(81) 400 55'.00N, 290 00'.06E

(67) 400 54'.70N, 280 58'.55E

(68) 400 53'.78N, 280 57'.15E

(76) 400 42'.20N, 270 38'.09E

(59) 400 54'.30N, 280 55'.40E

(65) 400 55'.58N, 280 54'.82E

(71A) 400 56'.83N, 280 54'.23E

(d) A traffic distribution area is established surrounded with the line merging following coordination:

(59) 400 54'.30N, 280 55'.40E

(60) 400 52'.40N, 280 52'.10E

(61) 400 44'.20N, 270 38'.09E

(62) 400 26'.00N, 260 45'.25E

(63) 400 45'.42N, 270 38'.09E

(64) 400 53'.90N, 280 52'.10E

(65) 400 55'.58N, 280 54'.82E

(e) A traffic distribution area is established surrounded with the line merging following coordination.

(66) 400 51'.50N, 290 00'.31E

(67) 400 54'.70N, 280 58'.55E

(68) 400 53'.78N, 280 57'.15E

(69) 400 51'.95N, 280 58'.00E

(f) A traffic line is established in Marmara Sea directed to Canakkale Straits between the distribution regions described in paragraphs (a), (b), (c) and (d) above and the coordination given below:

(53) 410 00'.30N, 280 59'.42E

(70) 400 59'.50N, 280 59'.39E

(71) 400 58'.21N, 280 57'.22E

(72) 400 55'.89N, 280 52'.09E

(73) 400 47'.40N, 270 38'.09E

(74) 400 26'.50N, 260 45'.25E

(g) A traffic line is established in Marmara Sea directed to Canakkale Straits between the distribution regions described in paragraphs (d), (c), (b) and (a) above and the coordination given below:

(75) 400 25'.50N, 260 45'.25E

(76) 400 42'.20N, 270 38'.09E

(77) 400 50'.39N, 280 52'.07E

(78) 400 52'.90N, 280 55'.92E

(h) The ships to sail towards Izm?t  Gulf passing Istanbul Straits shall travel along the traffic line described in paragraph (e) above, the traffic distribution regions defined in paragraphs (c), (e), the traffic distribution region described in paragraph (d) and the regions whose coordination is provided below:.

(78) 400 52'.90N, 280 55'.92E

(79) 400 51'.50N, 280 56'.57E

(i) A traffic line is established between the traffic distribution area defined in paragraph (e) and the line merging the following direction for the ships to travel to Istanbul Strait following South and East Marmara Sea and Izmit Gulf.

(80) 400 52'.00N, 290 01'.73E

(81) 400 55'.00N, 290 00'.06E


Please see Official Gazette for the map.


Canakkale Strait

Relevant Maps: Map of Turkish Seas 212 (INT3750), printed 1991

Note: European datum constitutes base for this map.

1. The traffic lines are established in Canakkale Strait to separate reverse direction traffic from the ordinary traffic flow.

2. Defining traffic lines for Canakkale Strait:

The traffic lines of Canakkale Strait shall comprise the area the line surrounded the area merging Mehmetcik Foreland Lighthouse with Kumkale Foreland Lighthouse in Southwest, the line surrounded with the area merging Gelibolu Lighthouse with Cardak Lighthouse in Northeast and the periphery borders of Canakkale Strait traffic line whose coordination provided below:

3. Traffic lines of Canakkale Strait:

(I) Traffic distribution area which is the continuum of middle line of Canakkale Strait and the line in Southern exit:

(a) Middle Line og Canakkale Strait:

(62) 400 26'.00N, 260 45'.25E (82) 400 24'.05N, 260 41'.65E

(83) 400 22'.83N, 260 40'.21E  (84) 400 20'.90N, 260 38'.55E

(85) 400 18'.62N, 260 35'.88E  (86) 400 13'.40N, 260 27'.80E

(87) 400 12'.11N, 260 23'.50E  (88) 400 11'.63N, 260 22'.95E

(89) 400 09'.00N, 260 23'.40E  (90) 400 08'.55N, 260 23'.31E

(91) 400 08'.15N, 260 23'.09E  (92) 400 04'.25N, 260 18'.54E

(93) 400 02'.59N, 260 15'.45E

(b) Traffic Distribution Region which is continuum of middle line:

(93) 400 02'.59N, 260 15'.45E

(120) 400 01'.52N, 260 11'.18E

(125) 400 01'.28N, 260 11'.41E

(126) 400 01'.90N, 260 14'.32E

(II) East border of Canakkale Strait line:

(94) 400 00'.99N, 260 11'.70E   (95) 400 01'.10N, 260 15'.01E

(96) 400 01'.90N, 260 17'.22E   (97) 400 07'.70N, 260 23'.48E

(98) 400 08'.90N, 260 23'.70E   (99) 400 09'.50N, 260 23'.95E

(100) 400 11'.84N, 260 23'.62E  (101) 400 13'.10N, 260 28'.90E

(102) 400 16'.90N, 260 34'.35E  (103) 400 18'.10N, 260 36'.30E

(104) 400 20'.50N, 260 39'.18E  (105) 400 23'.65N, 260 42'.04E

(75) 400 25'.50N, 260 45'.25E

(III) West border of Canakkale Strait traffic line:

(74) 400 26'.50N, 260 45'.25E(106) 400 24'.45N, 260 41'.20E

(107) 400 23'.20N, 260 39'.25E(108) 400 21'.30N, 260 37'.82E

(109) 400 19'.10N, 260 35'.45E(110) 400 14'.50N, 260 27'.88E

(111) 400 13'.12N, 260 25'.55E(112) 400 12'.46N, 260 23'.31E

(113) 400 12'.02N, 260 22'.50E(114) 400 11'.39N, 260 22'.19E

(115) 400 08'.73N, 260 23'.10E(116) 400 08'.42N, 260 22'.91E

(117) 400 05'.60N, 260 18'.95E(118) 400 02'.67N, 260 13'.24E

(119) 400 02'.00N, 260 11'.03E

APPENDIX-1.4 (Map)

Please see Official Gazette for the map.


Southeast Approach in Canakkale Strait

Relevant Maps: Map of Turkish Seas 2134, printed in 1992; 213, printed in 1993

Note: European datum constitutes base for these maps.

Definition of Traffic Distribution System:

(a) A traffic distribution region is set between the areas surrounded with the lines given below:

(120) 400 01'.52N, 260 11'.18E

(121) 400 00'.20N, 250 59'.70E

(122) 400 58'.80N, 250 57'.70E

(123) 400 57'.20N, 250 57'.70E

(124) 400 59'.70N, 260 00'.40E

(125) 400 01'.28N, 260 11'.41E

(b) The following coordinate should be merged to set northern boundary of the traffic distribution area defined in paragraph (a):

(119) 400 02'.00N, 260 11'.03E

(127) 400 01'.55N, 250 57'.70E

(c) The following coordinate should be merged to set southern boundary of the traffic distribution area defined in paragraph (a):

(94) 400 00'.99N, 260 11'.70E

(128) 390 58'.29N, 260 01'.60E

(129) 390 55'.00N, 250 57'.70E


Mooring Sites Northern Entry of Istanbul Strait Region

A- Mooring locations for ships carrying hazardous cargo

1. 410 15'.40N, 280 57'.45E

2. 410 17'.50N, 280 57'.45E

3. 410 17'.50N, 290 00'.00E

4. 410 14'.90N, 290 00'.00E

B- Mooring locations for passenger and dry cargo ships

1. 410 14'.90N, 290 00'.00E

2. 410 17'.50N, 290 00'.00E

3. 410 17'.50N, 290 02'.37E

4. 410 15'.90N, 290 05'.00E

5. 410 15'.00N, 290 05'.00E


Please see Official Gazette for the map.

ANNEX - 3 Mooring locations for Southern entry of Istanbul Strait Region

Mooring within 2.5 gomina from the seashore is forbidden in respective mooring areas.

The ships shall have pilot captains when mooring or unmooring from respective locations.

A- Mooring location for arriving ships

1. 410 00'.40N, 280 59'.15E

2. 400 59'.39N, 280 58'.60E

3. 400 58'.15N, 280 56'.50E

4. 410 00'.15N, 280 56'.50E

B- Mooring locations for departing ships and for the ships to stay for long times

1. 410 00'.15N, 280 56'.50E

2. 400 58'.15N, 280 56'.50E

3. 400 56'.82N, 280 53'.50E

4. 400 58'.92N, 280 53'.50E

C- Mooring location for the ships carrying hazardous cargo

1. 400 58'.92N, 280 53'.50E

2. 400 56'.82N, 280 53'.50E

3. 400 56'.12N, 280 51'.95E

4. 400 55'.88N, 280 50'.00E

5. 400 57'.48N, 280 50'.00E

D- Mooring area for quarantine

1. 400 57'.54N, 280 48'.70E

2. 400 56'.10N, 280 48'.70E

3. 400 56'.40N, 280 47'.40E

4. 400 58'.23N, 280 47'.40E


Please see Official Gazette for the map.


Mooring Locations for Northern Entry of Canakkale Strait Area

A- Mooring Locations for Ships Carrying Hazardous Cargo

1. 400 37'.55N, 270 10'.00E

2. 400 36'.45N, 270 10'.00E

3. 400 32'.65N, 270 00'.00E

4. 400 33'.42N, 260 59'.80E

B- Mooring Location of Passenger and Dry Cargo Ships

1. 400 33'.42N, 260 59'.80E

2. 400 32'.65N, 270 00'.00E

3. 400 30'.00N, 260 53'.00E

4. 400 31'.30N, 260 52'.40E


Please see Official Gazette for the map.

EK - 5

Mooring Location for inside of Canakkale Strait Region (Dark Port)

ships shall have pilot captains when mooring or unmooring from respective locations

1. 400 00'.90N, 260 15'.10E

2. 400 01'.70N, 260 17'.40E

3. 400 03'.07N, 260 18'.95E

4. 400 02'.55N, 260 19'.80E

5. 400 01'.40N, 260 18'.75E

6. 400 00'.30N, 260 15'.20E


Please see Official Gazette for the Map.


Mooring locations in Southern Entry of Canakkale Strait Region

A- Mooring locations for the ships carrying hazardous cargo

1. 390 49'.17N, 260 00'.00E

2. 390 46'.00N, 250 57'.40E

3. 390 46'.90N, 250 55'.30E

4. 390 50'.45N, 250 53'.40E

5. 390 54'.15N, 250 57'.80E

6. 390 52'.75N, 260 00'.00E

7. 390 50'.40N, 250 57'.90E

B- Mooring Location of Passenger and Dry Cargo Ships

1. 390 48'.10N, 260 04'.97E

2. 390 44'.00N, 260 01'.90E

3. 390 46'.00N, 250 57'.40E

4. 390 49'.17N, 260 00'.00E


Please see Official Gazette for the Map.



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